Friday, July 31, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

more to love

I was browsing around the interweb, as I often do when I have too much time on my hands, and I came across an advert for this new show on Fox called 'More to Love.'

The trailer for the show starts out by entertaining the usual schpeal about how the average American woman is a size 14/16, while the average reality tv show contestant is a size 2. The tag line is -"what kind of reality is that?" To mend the apparent body gap on television, Fox has gathered up a bunch of plus sized women in the hopes of finding love, and intends to match them up with an equally hefty male. I find this disgusting. To me, it comes across as saying that the only way larger women are going to find love is to segregate them from the thin women.

As expected, one of the girls walks up to the eligible bachelor and tells him, "it's so great to see a man who likes regular sized women." Frankly, I don't understand this. Fox is making it out to seem like all plus sized women are just desperately seeking approval from the first man that will accept their apparent shortcomings. I am not one to look at a woman and think, "well, she's pretty, but she doesn't look like my garden rake so I can't like her/befriend her/speak to her, etc. Thankfully the majority of the world isn't as shallow as Fox would like to make them out to be.

These women participating in the show are teeming with their own detractors, and may even feel hip siding with the backlash against thin women. If all these women want is to be recognized as equal competitors in the dating world, then why purport the cycle? It's as pertinent and necessary now more than ever to step out of this whole body conscious superficial society. I wish that every woman knew that they are beautiful in their own way. Because I am optimistic enough to believe that, regardless of societies notions, women will adapt and learn to look over their personal dignity being compromised by constant objectification.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

dreamin' of jonas

I clearly have too much time on my hands. haha.

Monday, July 6, 2009

so damn cute

I want one of these immediately:

Saturday, July 4, 2009


I am typing this blog from my brand spankin' new Macbook Pro. It's a beautiful day. On top of which, if you purchase a computer from Apple up until September of this year, you get a free iPod Touch. Guess who has a free iPod Touch? Me :)

Originally I planned on getting the desktop version. I was really impressed with it when I went into the store. The screen is massive! Then I thought to myself, a laptop is a much more practical choice in the end. I can carry it with me if necessary and it wouldn't dominate my entire room. If I really wanted to get a big screen, I could buy a separate one.

The total amount really hurt my soul, but I just have to get over the shock of spending the most money I've ever spent on something in my entire life.

It's hard to believe that the computer is mine. When I was in school I always rented my Macbook because I never had enough available funds to outright purchase it. When the school year was over, it was a sad day when I needed to return it. Much to my chagrin. I would grumble and complain about having to use my crappy PC for the summer until I could be reunited with my love. Again, a shock that this baby isn't going anywhere.

I'm off to watch The Fall by Tarsem Singh. I've heard good things.

Monday, June 22, 2009


I forget what movie had the sarcastic quote about how it's always so amazing to listen to other people's dreams because they're so interesting *insert eyeroll here.* Personally, I love listening to other people's dreams and interpreting my own.

Last night, in my dream, I was sitting in my basement watching television on this old couch that I use to have in my house. I still haven't decided what the significance of that is, but for now, I don't think that's the most important part of the dream. All of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I see a huge spider crawling up the wall. I don't think it actually exists in the real world, but it had a white body and some red markings on it with long black legs. I'm not one to kill spiders at all. I let them be, because I always think, who am I to kill them? They aren't bothering me. At most, I'll take them outside. Otherwise I'll just let them roam along. So, I see this spider and I spring up out of my seat and chase it around my basement. I hit it with a shoe, but I miss. I think I caught a couple of its legs though, because it was kind of limp crawling away. It gets onto the floor and manages to crawl under my sewing table. I reach in to hit it, but I miss again. I do catch more of its legs, though. The disturbing thing was that I could swear the spider was screaming. It was letting out this high pitched screech.

I Googled the significance of spiders and I found this great website.

From that explanation on the significance of spiders in dreams, I think viewing the spider as a symbol of feeling trapped in a situation or relationship is right on. I feel trapped because I cannot find a job at the moment, so my daily life seems bleak and without purpose. Me killing the spider, or attempting to, signifies my attempts at trying to break free but not quite getting it. Or, if I were to see the spider in my dream as waiting to take action before knowing all the facts, that could relate to a situation in my life which seems all well and good in theory. But, being the impulsive person that I am, I tend to jump too quickly into things and I need to step back and think logically. Alternatively, there was another part of my dream which had me in a subway station. The subway represents confusion and a person who's making a hasty decision, which seems to tie in well with the spider.

I guess I just have to take it one step at a time.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

i'm teeming with excitement

In two short weeks this beauty will be sitting on my desk. I have never in my life used a new computer, let alone owned my own computer. Times are changing! :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

be still my heart

The cuteness is just too much to take! I recently discovered Linda's website. She is a parrotlet breeder in Vancouver. I've been completely enamoured with these birds for a while now, and it's great to find someone like Linda who comes highly recommended.

For the most part I'm a cat lady, but I use to care for birds all the time when I was younger, and I think they make wonderful pets. I have a cat at home now, however, it's a big house, so my allergies don't often get the better of me. I'd imagine, though, being cloistered up in an apartment would not serve me well. Not to mention, if I ever tried to take my cat with me when I move, my dad would probably weep uncontrollably. Next year once I'm all settled in my new place, I will be purchasing one of these lovely sweet hearts.

said the graduate

As of this past Thursday, I am officially a graduate. I ended up going to my convocation on the request of my mother, otherwise I would have told them to send me my diploma in the mail.

Why am I, or so it seems, completely bitter about graduation, when it should in fact be a joyous occasion? Because. I've actually had "life" experiences beyond the education system. I'm one of those who went back to school after doing other things. I will, of course, look back fondly on my school memories and the people I met there, but I will always keep in mind that school is just that. A place to learn. Regardless of what they tell you in terms of College being the hands on experience vs. University which is theoretical and intangible, it's what you make of it. And, having to sit through pseudo-motivational speeches, and Vitamin C's graduation song being played, the event really wasn't inspiring or enjoyable whatsoever. Tell me some true to life shit. Share with me some real wisdom. Throw me a job. That, would be helpful.

Of course it's a milestone to graduate College, and I am obviously proud of myself. Two years, high honours, 3.9 GPA. Hell yes! But, my grade means nothing unless I do something with it. Until I make something of my name, it will remain stagnant on my diploma along with some arbitrary number that's supposed to prove I'm an intelligent person.

On a completely off topic, my picture above, was a delightful find off Etsy this past week. An antique porcelain egg by Paris Royal. As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to have it. I have quite the collection and fondness for nick-knacks. I'm going to be one of those little old ladies with shelves upon shelves of arbitrary little figurines. One can never have enough of such things.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

entering the crafting world

I've always been a collector of cute miniature shoes. So, I decided over the weekend that I should make little shoes out of clay and attempt to sell them. Handmade crafts are very popular, and I've discovered many of my favourite artists over on Etsy. I'm hopeful that once I get this whole thing going, people will be interested in my work.

Last night I painstakingly sculpted a little shoe out of clay. All through Happy Days, Laverne and Shirley, and 4 episodes of Newly Wed Newly Dead. I even etched out a little pattern around the shoe. I was about to bake it in the oven so that afterwards I could paint it, but silly me, I hadn't noticed on the label that it was non-drying clay. I figured, okay maybe it doesn't dry, but it surely must be able to bake. It's clay after all!

I put my beautiful shoe in the oven and watched it for about 4 minutes or so. I observed that it looked like it was sweating. I took it out of the oven, and yeah, non-drying clay doesn't bake. Sadly, I will not see the fruits of my labour in a completed shoe at the moment. I'll have to head to the store in the next few days and pick up some clay meant for such things. C'est la vie.

As you can see from my picture ^, my pretty little shoe is going to remain in its clay state forever.

Friday, June 5, 2009

happy friday

This video is lovely. A send off to a wonderful weekend. Ta ta until Monday. xo

Thursday, June 4, 2009

the last sheep has been thrown

Today was such a nice day. I had a delicious breakfast and found some pretty flowers in my backyard. This whimsy and nostalgia was enough to make me 100 per cent sure on my decision to get rid of my Facebook for good. I'd been thinking on it for a while, but this dose of "life" sealed the deal. At least blogging has its uses for sharing art and writing.

I've always just hated Facebook. I re-joined some time after the beginning of the school year because I needed something to do while I was sitting in class. But, it proved to be a huge anticlimactic let down. I get more fed up with every annoying thing about it and I'm reaching critical mass.

My grievances are as follows: people who have nothing better to do with themselves aside from stage photoshoots to feed their narcissistic egos. Meaningless correspondences. False sentiments. An excuse to be a lazy friend. And there are those godforsaken applications always being delivered to me. As I log in right now, I have one hundred and six requests to add applications ranging from 'Pirates', to 'Fairy Garden', to 'Who is Your Twilight Guy.' They are just sitting there, waiting for me to decline or accept. That's a whole lot of pointless clicking for something that isn't even bluffing me with an Olive Garden gift card.

It seems that I'm always getting emails telling me that someone I know on Facebook threw a sheep at me, headbutted me, high-fived me, licked me, punched me, or even threw Barack Obama at me (?!). This being Facebook, of course, I'll be expected to reciprocate -- which will require me to add an application. This all serves to make me feel horribly neglectful. I won't ignore a friend ... unless that friend makes me go through a bunch of pointless rigamarole just to say hi. Then, I simply refuse.

Also, there's a hint of illegality that wafts around Facebook perennially. The fact that the site has changed its Terms of Service to state that the pictures and information on even deleted accounts can be used by the site forever and however it chooses without even providing users forewarning, bothers me. I would have gotten out before this change was enacted, had I known. From what I'm reading around the web, others would have as well.

The point is, I really detest Facebook. But, we're all mired to the fetid heap of it by the handful of people who we have no other means of communicating with. Nothing personal, but I'm getting out. I'll be deleting my account by the end of the week.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

how can i lower interest rates on my credit card?

"There is no current problems with your credit card, but your offer to lower your interest rates expires in the next couple days. Please stay on the line to speak with a representative."

This was the message, accompanied by the pre-recorded voice, that greeted me on the other end of the phone line this afternoon. Not even a hello. How rude.

Now, there's a reason why people get these spam phone calls, and it's not because everyone is an impotent, anxious, depressive, small-minded person just waiting for a "good deal." It's simply because people actually fall for this sleight of hand. For those of us that see the hook poking out from the worm and keep on swimming, pat yourself on the back.

This hasn't been the first time that I've gotten a phone call like this one. I've had a multitude of offers from this same company, to lower the interest rate on the credit card that I don't own. I've stayed on the line many times before in order to have my number removed from their calling list, and to no avail.

The conversation goes as follows:

Soliciting theiving asshole: "Hello, and how can I help you lower your interest rates today?"
Me: "Yes, hello. I would like to speak to someone about removing my number from your calling list."
*line goes dead*

I'd think that it was just all an inoccent mistake, if it hadn't of happened to me before. I would say, give or take, about 5 times, I've gotten through to someone, and as soon as I mention my number being removed from their calling list, they hang up. Not to mention, I haven't heard once from any one of the operators the actual name of the company. Their number is unavaliable, leaving no way to call back and contact them. Utter bullshit.