Monday, June 22, 2009


I forget what movie had the sarcastic quote about how it's always so amazing to listen to other people's dreams because they're so interesting *insert eyeroll here.* Personally, I love listening to other people's dreams and interpreting my own.

Last night, in my dream, I was sitting in my basement watching television on this old couch that I use to have in my house. I still haven't decided what the significance of that is, but for now, I don't think that's the most important part of the dream. All of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I see a huge spider crawling up the wall. I don't think it actually exists in the real world, but it had a white body and some red markings on it with long black legs. I'm not one to kill spiders at all. I let them be, because I always think, who am I to kill them? They aren't bothering me. At most, I'll take them outside. Otherwise I'll just let them roam along. So, I see this spider and I spring up out of my seat and chase it around my basement. I hit it with a shoe, but I miss. I think I caught a couple of its legs though, because it was kind of limp crawling away. It gets onto the floor and manages to crawl under my sewing table. I reach in to hit it, but I miss again. I do catch more of its legs, though. The disturbing thing was that I could swear the spider was screaming. It was letting out this high pitched screech.

I Googled the significance of spiders and I found this great website.

From that explanation on the significance of spiders in dreams, I think viewing the spider as a symbol of feeling trapped in a situation or relationship is right on. I feel trapped because I cannot find a job at the moment, so my daily life seems bleak and without purpose. Me killing the spider, or attempting to, signifies my attempts at trying to break free but not quite getting it. Or, if I were to see the spider in my dream as waiting to take action before knowing all the facts, that could relate to a situation in my life which seems all well and good in theory. But, being the impulsive person that I am, I tend to jump too quickly into things and I need to step back and think logically. Alternatively, there was another part of my dream which had me in a subway station. The subway represents confusion and a person who's making a hasty decision, which seems to tie in well with the spider.

I guess I just have to take it one step at a time.

1 comment:

heavealie said...

dream interpretation is kind of an interesting subject!!i once had a dream in which i was in an elevator and suddenly the elevator started falling and i died!!i saw my own death!!i too googled it and it was written that a person who sees his death its like a new beginning for me kind of like a new life!!interesting ha!!nice post on an interesting subject!!keep writing!!