Sunday, June 14, 2009

be still my heart

The cuteness is just too much to take! I recently discovered Linda's website. She is a parrotlet breeder in Vancouver. I've been completely enamoured with these birds for a while now, and it's great to find someone like Linda who comes highly recommended.

For the most part I'm a cat lady, but I use to care for birds all the time when I was younger, and I think they make wonderful pets. I have a cat at home now, however, it's a big house, so my allergies don't often get the better of me. I'd imagine, though, being cloistered up in an apartment would not serve me well. Not to mention, if I ever tried to take my cat with me when I move, my dad would probably weep uncontrollably. Next year once I'm all settled in my new place, I will be purchasing one of these lovely sweet hearts.


noodle and lou said...

Hi Cass...Thanks so much for stopping by my blog:) Look at those darling birds!! I think I need some! and FaBuLoUs job on the clay shoe!! even though it wasn't the right type of clay (I use Super Sculpey)...the design is perfect and I hope you will open an etsy shop:)

Happy week to you

Cass said...

Hi Jenn,

Oh I know, those cute birds are so irresistable!

Thank you for the compliments on my first shoe attempt. Your input is appreciated, as I'm a fan of your lovely Lulettes. I have a cute little pair that you made for me last year sitting on my shelf. I'll have to search for Sculpey clay when I head to the store, and check it out! :)

Unknown said...

You know I always wanted a bird growing up but my parents never allowed me to have one... How are birds to care for? I am petless and intrigued
Rabbit Write

Cass said...

Birds are very easy to care for. They need the basics like seed and water, but you also have to provide fresh greens and fruits. They always need to have a cuttlebone for their beaks. If not, their beaks will grow uncontrollably. For the most part I'd say that it's beneficial to have the birds wings clipped so it doesn't fly and smash into windows. As well, so it doesn't fly away, because you know you'd never find it if it did. Smaller birds are definitely easier to care for, especially if it would be your first bird. You can even socialize the smaller bird with the bigger one if you decided to go that route once you get comfortable with it. With bigger birds though, you'll definitely need the space to put the cage and they need tons of attention. Plus, they are LOUD, and can live for 60+ years. So, it's definitely a commitment.

Otherwise, like any other pet they need attention and love. They are very intelligent and can learn to do tricks and speak. I had a budgie for almost 10 years and I would just open his cage and he would come around and sit on top for most of the day, or I would carry him with me and place him on a perch set up in certain rooms and he was happy with that. He was very tame so I could take him outside with me and he would just sit on my shoulder and not fly away. He tried to speak, but he never managed to do it. He could perform a few tricks. He would just sing for most of the day. The only downfall I would say about having a small bird, is that there isn't much you can do for them if they get sick because birds have pretty complicated inner workings. Big birds, you can get a vet specialized in avian medicine.

I would recommend a budgie or a cockatiel if you're interested in having a bird for the first time. They are so sweet! :)

heavealie said...

oh we had 4 parrots when i was small but they were caged!!one of them once flew away and so we thought it was bad to cage birds so we freed them all!!oh i had a cat named kitty lol i was thinking more like scooby doo that time!!kitty died after an year or so and my sister kept crying full day!!cats are frigging awesome haha and i'm petrified of dogs even small puppies lol.keep writing!!